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Relational healing & reconnecting
you with your authentic self

"We are born in relationship, we are wounded in relationship, and we can be healed in relationship." 
-Harville Hendrix


Individual Psychotherapy

I work from a trauma-informed perspective with individuals who are navigating the journey of individuation, facing life transitions, struggling with relational challenges, or just feeling like something from the past is getting in the way of present-day functioning.


Whether you are wanting to shed old ways of being that no longer seem to serve you or you are wanting to form a deeper understanding of your racial, cultural, gender, sexual, or spiritual identity, I am honored to support you in this journey of coming into integrity and exploring your authentic self.


I tend to work particularly well with individuals with complex trauma and family of origin stories who never got a chance to form or fully express their own identities, as well as highly self-aware therapists or spiritually-informed healers seeking personal support. 

Relational Counseling

I believe that the most successful relationships support each partner’s greatest well-being and welcome the fullest expression of each person’s most authentic self. I would love to work with you to navigate recent ruptures or to break long-standing patterns of conflict and defensive armoring in order to arrive at a truer sense of love and connection.


I work with a variety of relationship structures -- including partners exploring or participating in ethical non-monogamy, polyamory and kink. I am comfortable working with couples on the brink requiring discernment counseling. I enjoy working with other therapists needing support in their relationships.


I am also passionate about facilitating healing among families with grown children. If you have done your own work through personal therapy yet are still feeling stuck within old patterns of behavior and family dynamics, I love bringing the family system into the therapy room to see what we may be able to shift.

Alternative Healing Work

Perhaps you feel called to work with me, but therapy does not feel like a good fit for you at this time or you are located outside of the state of Maine. If you are seeking a more unique container, I am happy to set up a consultation with you to determine how I may be able to support you in de-conditioning, identity and relational authenticity work. From there, we will collaboratively create a specialized plan for you or your relationship depending on your interests.


I draw inspiration from a wide range of modalities (from holistic to more esoteric) including, but not limited to: Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Authentic Movement, Kundalini Breathwork and Meditation, Sacred Sexuality, Masculine/Feminine Polarity Work (inclusive of any and all genders), Tantric Intimacy, Jungian Tarot, 5 Personality Patterns, Astrology and Human Design.


If you are an existing therapy client interested in working with me through any of these modalities, please let me know.


Individual Psychotherapy (55-60 min).........$120
Relational Counseling (55-60 min)..............$120
Relational Counseling (90 min)..................$180
Alternative Healing Work..............please inquire

Payment is due in full at the time of service by debit, credit or HSA card. I do not currently accept insurance; however, I am able to offer a Superbill that you may submit to your insurance company for reimbursement of fees if you have out-of-network benefits.
If cost is a barrier, please contact me to inquire about a sliding scale rate or payment plan.

As I believe strongly in the healing power of relationships, the one that we form together is of critical importance. I offer a complimentary 50-minute consultation so that we have an opportunity to get a sense of what it would be like to work together and assess mutual fit.


About Melissa

I too have lost sight of my authentic self before.
I am deeply familiar with the struggle of de-conditioning from cultural, societal, familial and other narratives in order to recover a sense of your true identity. I know well the pain of losing yourself in relationships and the confusion that often comes with disentangling from codependent ways of being.


Embarking on the journey of reclaiming my authenticity and living in integrity has been the most freeing and fulfilling endeavor of my life. The rewards of this work has shown to be most evident in the quality of my relationships. I am endlessly curious and driven in my explorations around balance in the negotiation of space and closeness with others and what is possible when we show up in our connections as our full, whole-hearted selves.

My style of therapy is intuitive, direct and constructive. I will challenge and orient you towards transformation if you are ready and willing. I believe that relationships hold up mirrors to our blind spots that require the most care and nurturing, and I strive to offer this compassionate reflection to all my clients. I am open-minded and draw inspiration from a wide range of therapeutic and holistic healing modalities. I am a conditionally licensed clinician currently working under the supervision of Tom Kubasik, LCPC.

Outside of my identity as a therapist: I jump on my trampoline in between sessions. I practice Kundalini yoga and meditation. I am drawn to the water. I find renewal sitting in saunas and cold plunging. I host epic dinner parties. I believe in plant medicine. I am a Cancer Moon. I am an ongoing work in progress, and I remember to take care of myself in these ways some days better than others. I feel most myself when I am dancing wildly and when I am sitting in deep connection and reverence with others — including my clients. I am incredibly fortunate and grateful to get to do the work that I do.

Training / Areas of Study
Psychodynamic, Relational, Gestalt, Experiential,
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

Get in Touch

If you are interested in working with me and scheduling a consultation, please fill out the form below.
For all other inquiries, you can reach me at

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New Client Inquiry

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